作者:swsy 时间:2020-12-27 16:48 浏览次数:0





Open the future,
 Chase the dream,
Start a journey of growth,
 Set out for a glamorous starry sky!

The year of 2020 will come to an end, in which we all have seen so many highlighting moments of SYFLS. In the last month, we embraced the first International Week with the theme of "Beginning". The Beginning indicates starting a journey, enlightening, setting sail and even opening. In the past week, every student had experienced different culture and folk customs of different countries. While attending various exciting activities, they still put what they learned at school into preparing amazing performances.



As the afternoon sun sheds her light slowly over the white and blue roof of Wisdom Rotunda, the first International Week of SYFLS came to its closing ceremony. Principal Zhu Weixue delivered the closing speech in Russian.


She mentioned that what the future international talents should have do not only include rich knowledge and vigerous health, but also possess an indispensable integrity and character to understand, tolerate and embrace different cultures and diverse world. With the help of the school activities, kids could get knowledge from happy time, which helps the development of their all-round capability. At school students need to be teenagers with achievement as well as happiness.


With warm applause, the Starlight Stage officially raised the curtain in the announcement in unison of the two hosts Liao Ziguang and Chen Xinyu.



When the lights came on, a group of youthful and energetic students set up their formation and appeared on the stage with full posture. Competitive cheerleading originated in the United States and is now one of the sports championship events for its beautiful costumes, uniform movements, and dynamic rhythms. With enthusiasm, the students in the cheerleading street dance club directly set off the atmosphere of the whole gala.


热闹的气氛还没散去,由初一(4)班的谢依依和李诗言同学带来的双排键、钢琴合奏《森林中的一夜》又呈上了听觉盛宴。双排键气势恢宏,钢琴温柔婉转,两种乐器的音色交融在一起,将大家带入到了黎明破晓之前,蜿蜒的海岸线边,人们用最虔诚的心等待即将到来的第一道日光。随之由初一(6)班的李雨菲同学带来的英文诗朗诵《The Road Not Taken》更是用温婉的语言回答了我们心中的一个问题——“当遇见无法解决的困境,我们又要如何解决呢?” 

Before the liveliness dissipated, the electone and piano ensemble "A Woodland night" played by Xie Yiyi and Li Shiyan from Class 4, Grade 7, presented an auditory feast. The sound of the electone was solemn and magnificent, while the piano tinkled gently. The tones of the two instruments fused together, bringing the audience to the winding coastline before dawn waiting with the most devout hearts for the first ray of sunshine. Subsequently, the English poem recitation The Road Not Taken brought by Li Yufei from Class 6, Grade 7, gracefully replied to the question in our mind—"How to deal with an unsolvable dilemma?"



“Калинка (Kalinka)” means snowball flower in Russian and is used to describe the beauty of a girl. “Oh, beautiful snowballs, snowballs, snowballs, snowballs all over the garden, Snowballs! ” As a famous Russian folk song, it has strong beats, alternating in rhythm, with gaiety and lyricism appearing alternately. The song holds an extraordinary appeal. The six beautiful girls in the Russian class made the audience feel the strong Russian style with their attractive dance.



After that, a bunch of cute little pigs were on stage. “I‘ll blow your house down! Hoo-hoo! ”The students in Class 5, Grade 7, put on a show of how three clever little pigs vanquished the evil Big Bad Wolf. Their performance made the audience laugh out loud over and over.



After the cute little "pigs" came off the stage, before everyone knew, a piece of impassioned musical note brought everyone to the land of passion--Latin America. With its fast and strong rhythm, smooth and generous movements, and dynamic and distinct dance posture, the Latin dance fascinate countless people. He Yutong of Class 3, Grade 7 presented a rumba solo, showing the charm of the beautiful continent on the other side of the world.



 Following the dance are the three shows performed by the students from the Japanese and French class. Gao Ya did a wonderful job in her Japanese dubbing show of "君の名は (Your name)" and the saxophone performance of the theme song from "名探偵コナン(Detective Conan)" by Yang Ao won all the applause from the audience . The chorus of "Caresse sur l'océan (Caressing the Ocean)" by the French class showed a picture of spring when the cold ice melted and everything revived. Clear as the children's eyes, the beautiful voices haunted and fascinated everyone.


“准备好了吗孩子们?准备好了,船长!”听,是熟悉的海绵宝宝的主题曲。当“小海纳”遇见“小水滴”,会迸发出怎样的神采?三亚市第九小学的弟弟妹妹们带着精心准备的节目——英语剧《Sponge Bob Square Pants》来到了上外三亚附中的舞台。

"Are you ready, kids? Yes, captain!" Listen, it was the familiar song of Sponge Bob. The students of the Ninth Primary School of Sanya brought a wonderful show--the play of Sponge Bob Square Pants.



The audience was immersed in the beauty of German song, Spanish dance as well as the sand painting. The English song and sand painting performed by Yin Shiyuan (Class 3, Grade 7) and Wei Jiayu (Class 5, Grade 7) portrayed a picture of everthing grows in a sunny afternoon.


由德语班同学带来的德语合唱 “Monsters” 则用歌声唱出了友情的重要性。友谊是幸福的源泉,真正的朋友会用善良和包容去缓解对方的焦虑和不安,帮助对方直面自己的过往和缺点。在上外三亚附中,我们收获的不仅仅是全球化的视野和知识,更有珍贵的友谊和难忘的回忆!  

The German version of Monsters, brought by the German language class, indicated the importance of friendship. Happiness generates from friendship and a true friend will tolerate you with kindness and relieve your anxiety and depression. A true friend will help you accept your history and errors. In SYFLS, we receive not only the knowledge, but the precious friendship and unforgetable memory!


弗拉明戈舞(Flamenco Dance),作为当今世界最富感染力的流行舞种,是吉普赛文化和西班牙民间文化的结合。它以优美的舞步和动作所呈现的内在力量,吸引了世界各地的人们。由西班牙语班的同学们带来的西班牙舞蹈串烧节目,将整台舞会推向了最终的高潮。自信的笑容,爽朗的节奏,西班牙的魅力在孩子们的舞蹈中表现得淋漓尽致。

As the most influencial pop dance in the modern world, Flamenco Dance is the combination of Gypsy and Spanish culture. Its charming moves and gestures and the power within attract people all over the world. The gala came to a climax when our Spanish-class student performed a series of Spanish dance on the stage. Their confident smile along with delightful beats of music joined together. The glamour of Spain shone brightly in their dance.



The International Cultural Festival of SYFLS, which lasted for one week, came to an end on the dazzling stage of starlight. It was splendid and unforgetable. This week, our students melt in the multi-language world, tasted delicious cuisine of different countries in Mini Night Market and wandered through a fantastic journey of countries like the Alice in wonderland. They devoted themselves in our Treasure Hunt and showed us their remarkable enthusiasm and passon through dancing and singing...This is the International Festival of SYFLS, the festival that belongs to our students.


Our international week has come to an end, however the discovery of the world for our students has just begun. Let us embrace the world and welcome the future in the year of "Beginning".


Writers: Ma Xiaojun

审  校:黄旭、闫嘉煜

Proofreaders: Huang Xu, Yan Jiayu

摄  影:杨帆、王戍

Photographer: Yang Fan, Wang Shu  

翻  译:周月玄、马骥、潘平、张丹妮、彭萧洁、蔡悦、徐瑞璟

Translators:Zhou Yuexuan, Ma Ji, Pan Ping, Zhang Danni, Peng Xiaojie, Cai Yue, Xu Ruijing