作者:swsy 时间:2020-10-23 08:52 浏览次数:0


       Editor's Note:Teaching benefits students as well as teachers.Improving young teachers'capacity of teaching and research, our school launched a two-week mentoring program on Sept.25th,2020.14 young teachers of 8 subjects presented their demonstration classes, which were observed and evaluated by their mentors and other judges.


      Under the guidance of experienced teachers, the young minds effectively polished their teaching skills, and made the first step forward to be mature and excellent teachers by preparation, analysis, discussion, teaching and evaluation.




        With the same module, three teachers achieved the common teaching objectives in their own ways by conducting various teaching activities.



         Miss Zhang Danni created an activity of simulating class party, using the food and drink as the topic. She led students to design their own shopping lists, which strengthened their English proficiency by simulating the real life.



          Miss Caiyue's class was full of interactions between teacher and students. Many carefully designed Q&A allowed students to appreciate the charm of English while learning it.



       Mr.Pan Ping adeptly ushered in phonics in his class.In the final stage,he explained profound English theory in simple way,and under his guidance students actively participated.The height of curriculum was not only met, but students enjoyed the mystery of English world. 




         The teaching theme of maths is monomials. Mr.Yi Ke and Miss Qin Yanan presented different teaching styles.


        Led by a piece of video, Mr.Yi Ke led students to analyse the common features of math question while sparking their interest. The concept of monomials was presented step by step, and both students's capacity of observation,analysis, abstraction and their awareness of application have been fostered. Mr.Yi Ke combined their age features and multimedia teaching methods in game and group work, so "play" is the main target of teaching. 



       Miss Qin Yanan taught students in natural and smooth way with brief words. Elaborating from the easy mistakes and truth or false over the concept of monomials, she cracked the key and difficult points from concepts of monomials, coefficients and degree, bringing students into the real situation.



        Three Chinese teachers started their teaching with an ancient Chinese article about Snow.



      Miss Yan Jiayu designed her class with the center of teaching target.The expansion of background knowledge combined with various teaching methods helped students understand and appreciate the meaning of ancient Chinese. In the part of "Role Play",closely-knitted group work was of exhilarating experience, and it left students a deep understanding over the ancient Chinese. Through those activities students had close feelings over wisdom and fine family teaching of ancient chilren, and their Chinese aptitude was enhanced naturally.



       Miss Wang Mengling used A New Account of the Tales of the World which the students are familiar wtih as leading-in to ease the students' fear for difficulties and shorten the distance between the old konwledge and the new. Her teaching procedure is clear with outstanding focal points. Considering the features of the students' cognitive level,she designed the questions delicately to guide the studenes step by step, achieving her teaching goal smoothly. Through the “Four Reading” text, Miss Wang gradually helped the students to summarize the translation methods of classical Chinese, and meanwhile, encouraged them to think from different angles during the in-depth analysis of the text, so as to help the students cultivate the abilities to understand the language aesthetics and to  observe and enjoy life.



       Miss Ma Xiaojun paid attention to the whole class and led in the new content from the past knowledge by grasping students' interest. She displayed the close relationship of key points before and afer, serving as the basis for students to acquire the new knowledge. She consciously tried Module-centered teaching and adopted diverse reading skills to




       PE teacher Ms. Li Shixia taught from the Start of Fast Running. Starting from the game of quick response as the theme,she used different quick-response running methods and a racing game "I am supporter of environment protection" ,driving students to have close contact to the fast running in real activities. She guided students to discuss various effects practice has over fast running, allowing students to feel and realize the importance of mental and physical health.



       Mr. Feng Zhaoru's project was "passing and catching the ball with both hands in front of the chest". The preparatory activity in his class was a game called "seven ups and eight downs". It helped strengthen students'  waist and abdomen and developed their ability of controlling the ball. The class ended in a pleasant atmosphere.In the basic skill teaching stage, demonstration, explanation, prompting, and correction were used to promote students' active thinking and learning. Through the learning methods of communication, cooperation, and participation in exercises, students can improve their independent learning ability. In the last part of the course, a physical fitness, "back and forth running", was designed to develop students' lower limb strength and to improve their speed and edurance. 



        With the help of art class, the teachers of the art group released the students' imagination, promoted the formation of the students' art thinking, and cultivated the students' sense of aaesthetics.



       In this mentoring program, Mr. Yang Fan designed a lesson on "cartoon story". He quickly attracted students' attention with a cartoon video clip. At the same time, he used a variety of cartoon images suitable for the students in his class. In the relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, students learnt about the basic features of the cartoon images. Yang guided them to look for inspiration from life in a creative way, demonstrating the design of cartoon images based on steamed bun. At the end of the class, each student created his own unique cartoon image.



       Ms. Huang Zijing designed a music class "Youth Friendship Waltz". She naturally led in the class by reviewing rhythm. She presented Curwen's gesture and had the students practice repeatedly and compete in groups.




       Ms. Yang Lin's "cell as a unit of life activity" took the Amoeba as an example to describe the life activity of the cell, so that students could understand the concept that the cell is the structure and funciton unit of the organism. By guiding them to observe the amoeba video and experimental animation demonstration, the abstract content became visulized and concrete, cultivating students' abstract thinking. They could also improve their expression and logical thinking by analyzing the experiment of 'amoeba segmentation and cell nuclear transplantation'.



       王晗老师的授课题目是《有声的世界》。她通过让学生感受声音和制造声音导入主题,并让学生小组讨论声音产生的原理,观察发声物体在发声时有哪些共同特征,引导学生提出“声音是通过振动产生的”这一猜想。然后让学生设计实验通过科学的探究过程验证猜想。在趣味性十足的课堂上,学生视听触感等综合体验感知,比如通过敲击音叉发声,用手触摸被敲击的音叉,观察音叉敲击后放入水中溅起的水波等等,验证猜想成立。之后学生根据学到的知识进行发声装置设计并进行展示说明。 引导学生完成“感受、思考、理解、验证、再思考、实践、再验证”的综合实践。

      Presenting by making students feel and produce sound as the lead-in, Ms. Wang Han taught the world of sound and asked students to discuss the theory of sound production in group work. By observing the common features of sound production, students were led to propose a guess, that is, sound is produced by vibration. And students were encouraged to design scientific experiments to test their proposal. On an interesting class, students'senses of watching, hearing and listening were activitated to test their guess by touching and observing the waterwaves produced by pitchfork after it was beat. And then students applied the new knowledge into designing and presenting the sound-making device.It led students get through a complete process of sensing, thinking, understanding, testing, rethinking, applying and revision.