作者:swsy 时间:2020-11-01 16:19 浏览次数:0






The promise and the courage

Crossing a thousand miles' distance

Refine a bouquet with wisdom and love

Which burst into blossom

Affectionately in this autumn



Back in December 2018, Sanya signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), aiming to set up Sanya Foreign Language School Affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University (SYFLS) as a top foreign language school.


Far and distant as the road is, we will reach the destination; directed by heart, we will definitely find the way. In September 2020, SYFLS eventually welcomed her first students.



Opening Chapter: Shouldering the Mission


3.jpgAt ten o'clock on the morning of October 30th, the Opening Celebration of SYFLS raised the curtan amid the solemn national anthem. The distinguished guests present were: Mr Jiang Feng, party secretary of SISU; Mr Li Rendong, party secretary of Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University (SFLS); Mr Zhou Jun, vice mayor of Sanya; Mr Tao Hongjian, deputy director of Hainan Provincial Department of Education; Ms Wu Ping, director of Sanya Education Bureau; Mr Fang Yulai, deputy director of Sanya Education Bureau; leaders at all levels of Hainan provincial Party committee, Hainan provincial government, Sanya municipal Party committee and Sanya municipal government; principals of schools directly under Sanya Education Bureau; and representatives of various institutions closely related to the development of this school. Leaders, teachers, students and parents also gathered to celebrate the exciting moment.



First, Ms Zhu Weixu, principal of SYFLS, along with six students, made a speach in seven different languages, expressing their warmest welcome and most heartfelt thanks to the leaders and guests present.

5.jpg      朱校长深情地说,上外三亚附中的顺利建成离不开各级领导的大力支持,离不开社会各界人士的广泛关注,也离不开全体教职工的付出和汗水。朱校长表示,上外三亚附中将努力围绕党的教育方针,秉承上海外国语大学的办校宗旨,坚持“使命、担当、拥抱、成就”的办学理念,将学生培养成“外语见长、文理并举、五育兼备”的创新型、复合型的高素质国际型预备英才,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献力量!

Ms Zhu said with emotion that SYFLS couldn't have been successfully established without the strong support of leaders at all levels, the extensive attention of people from all walks of life, and the dedication and sweat of all faculty and staff. She also stated that we would work hard to focus on the Party's educational policy, adhere to the school mission of SISU and the school's philosophy of "Mission, Undertaking, Embracing, and Achieving", and cultivate a pool of outstanding students who are ready to perform on the international stage, "adept at foreign languages, balanced in liberal arts and science, with all-round development, creativity, versatility and quality" and will contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!  


The common speech of the principal and students in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese and Spanish won enthusiastic applause repeatedly. 


Middle Chapter: Taking the Responsibility




The first student representative of SYFLS, Nong Xintang from Class 3 Grade 7 made a speech. She believed that the peaceful and happy life she enjoyed was sheltered by parents, teachers, school and the whole society taking on the heavy burden. Therefore, as youths in the new era, students should be grateful for the abundance they have and contribute to the society. They have to be ready to embrace all kinds of challenges and difficulties in their lives and learning. Holding onto the beautiful dreams, belief in success and determination of continuous progress, students need to mesh with school, teachers and peers.


      Following Chapter: Embracing the Challenge



In the speech of Mr Jiang Feng, party secretary of SISU, he first extended his sincere congratulations to SYFLS and expressed his appreciation for the arrangements. Then he praised the students of SYFLS, affirmed the school's management of the school, and encouraged students to learn from the excellent alumni from SFLS. He also said earnestly to the students that they should learn to be grateful and to cherish as they can still study with peace of mind despite the raging pandemic. The establishment of SYFLS is the result of wisdom and the efforts of the team assigned by SISU as well as those of all teachers and students. Over the years, SISU has served the national strategy, broadened its development path, and constructed a series of new platforms for teaching and scientific research. As cooperation partner, all staff of SISU will spare no efforts to accompany the students, achieve their dreams and contribute to the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port! Lastly, he thanked the leaders of Hainan Province and Sanya for their efforts and help in this great cause.



Mr Tao Hongjian, deputy director of Hainan Provincial Department of Education, first shared his true feelings on about youth, striving and future. After that, he highlighted that the grand opening of SYFLS signified that Hainan Province had made great progress in carrying out trans-provincial cooperation in running schools and introducing high-quality educational resources, which was of great and far-reaching significance for improving the education quality of the whole province. High expectations correspond to high standards and strict demands. Therefore, he made a few requests: he hoped that SYFLS would always adhere to the key points and spirit of President Xi Jinping's discussion on the importance of education, ensure the qualities of teaching, develop with characteristics and constantly improve our school in its running and management and provide a strong intellectual service for the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. Meanwhile, he expressed his wishes for our faculty and staff and encouraged our teachers to adhere to the four basic standards of being a good teacher as expressed by President Xi. He educated and guided students to cultivate themselves and take their responsibilities for the revival and development of our nation. He wished all members of SYFLS to be in good spirits and hoped to see a new generation of talents rise for the construction of Hainan.


After congratulating on the successful opening of the school, Mr Zhou Jun, vice mayor of Sanya, also made a speech. He specially mentioned with great respect to every builder who had participated in the construction project of SYFLS. Then, he pointed out that the construction of SYFLS was a concrete action to implement the spirit of president Xi Jinping's 4·13 keynote speech and the spirit of Central Document No. 12 and the overall planning of Hainan Free Trade Port construction. It is of great significance for Sanya to set up benchmarks in the construction of the Free Trade Port in Hainan. With pleasure to cooperate with famous schools like SFLS, Sanya government will continue to give its full support to the construction and development of SYFLS and make joint efforts to build a first-class school in China. Sanya will continue promoting the innovative development of Sanya education and shoulder the educational responsibility in the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. Finally, he sincerely hoped that SYFLS would develop successfully and become increasingly better. He wished all the teachers a promising career, and students to make progress in study and become talents soon!      


12.jpgThen, the ceremony of gilding led the gala to its climax. Eight leaders slowly poured golden sand onto the engraved name of "Sanya Foreign Language School Affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University", which gradually came forward into notice. It symbolised the official launch of SYFLS! What a heart-stirring moment!


Finale: Achieving the Future


As the first students of the school, they are fortunate to witness the history. From their confident and calm performance, we can fully feel that they are the masters of the school.


There was a folk music ensemble with Chinese style, a passionate and wild Latin dance, a teachers' recitation highly praising the construction of the Free Trade Port, and a unique multilingual chorus... on a stage where they can show their talent to their heart's content.



Among them, the multilingual chorus was a display of the fruits of second foreign language study for only six weeks. Despite the short study period, the students' pronunciation is pure and impressive.

在欢快优美的德语合唱《kleine Kinder, kleine Sorgen(小小少年)》中,我们仿佛看到了阳光帅气的德国少年;在元气满满的日语合唱《手紙~拝啓 十五の君へ~(信,敬启,给15岁的你)》中,我们仿佛看到了追寻幸福的日本少年;在恬静悠然的法语合唱《Vois Sur Ton Chemin(遥望你的路途)》中,我们仿佛到了浪漫多彩的法国;在悠扬风情的俄语合唱《За тебя, Родина-мать(为了你,祖国母亲)》中,我们仿佛看到了深爱祖国的俄罗斯少年;在欢快深情的西班牙语合唱《Color Esperanza(希望的颜色)》中,我们仿佛到了热情洋溢的西班牙……

In the cheerful and beautiful German chorus "kleine Kinder, kleine Sorgen (Small Children Small Worries)" we seemed to see sunny and handsome German boys; in the spirited Japanese chorus "手紙~拝啓 十五の君へ~(A Letter to Dear Fifteen-Year-Old Myself)", the happiness-seeking Japanese teenagers seemingly appeared before our eyes; in the quiet and leisurely French chorus "Vois Sur Ton Chemin (Looking Afar on Your Way)", we appeared to be in the romantic and colourful France; in the melodious Russian chorus "За тебя, Родина-мать (For You, My Motherland)", we felt as if we had seen Russian youths who love their motherland; and in the joyful and affectionate Spanish chorus "Color Esperanza (the colour of hope)", we seemed to reach enthusiastic Spain....



Finally, all teachers and students stood up and sang the school song together. "At the remotest corners of the globe, there are sunny and international-minded youths with wide hearts from SYFLS. We improve ourselves with utmost sincerity and highest aspirations...." For a moment, the auditorium was reverberated with the song Mission; at that moment, we sang out the pride in our membership of SYFLS. On the alert, here we localise a famous school; through intensive cultivation, here we inherit the glory of SISU; by exploration and innovation, here we breed the ideal of education.


How fortunate it is to teach in Sanya! We are bound to fulfill our missions without idling our youth! The future is approaching and SYFLS is sailing! 


Voices of Students and Parents

上外三亚附中 初一学生 柯夫鲍达奥李阳

Ko Liyang from Class 5 Grade 7 said, "I think this school is very unique, and its teaching style really caters to us. Teachers are lovely and nice, treating us like friends".

上外三亚附中 初一学生 农枔唐

Nong Xintang from Class 3 Grade 7 said, "I have a dream to be an important figure in the world. I think our school provides us a lot of opportunities to help us grow and realise our dreams".

初一1班学生樊昀航妈妈 严琼

Ms Yan Qiong, mother of Fang Yunhang from Class 1 Grade 7, said, "It is my great honour to attend this exciting ceremony and deliver our best wishes to SYFLS. Kids' performances today are so marvelous, and my boy is lucky to be among the first students enrolled by SYFLS. Within less than a month, the children have experienced the school's advanced educational concepts and high-quality educational resources. From registration to enrollment, what impressed me the most was the positive and optimistic spirit and rigorous academic work attitude of the staff of SYFLS. We are fortunate that our children can spend their middle school career in such a school full of love and passion. As parents, we will go all the way with the school and join hands to shoulder the responsibility of education and let our children study happily, live a fulfilling life, and develop healthily at SYFLS. We will work with the school to build a platform for children to grow up joyously as well as improving ourselves together! Finally, I wish SYFLS a more splendid and glorious future!



Writers|Cai Yue

审    校|黄旭,闫嘉煜,柯思逸

Proofreaders|Huang Xu,Yan Jiayu, Dominic Eckersley

翻    译|马骥,潘平,张丹妮,彭萧洁,徐瑞璟,周月玄

Translators|Ma Ji, Pan Ping, Zhang Danni, Peng Xiaojie, Xu Ruijing, Zhou Yuexuan

摄    影|杨帆

Photographer|Yang Fan

美    编|杨帆

Art Editor|Yang Fan