新闻速递 | 开学日,欢迎上外三亚附中新生!
作者:swsy 时间:2020-09-08 17:25 浏览次数:0


Editor's noteAfter two years' preparation, on Sept.6th, the entire  teaching staff is ready for the arrival of the new students.


图 进入校园后映入眼帘的欢迎词


图 校长朱玮雪和副校长董方在报道处迎接新生


Sept.6th 2020 is a special day for all members of SYFLS since it is a new starting point for embracing the potential of the future and also a moment of creating numerous possibilities. Kids coming from primary school formally become junior high school students and they will start a new journey, make new friends and step into a new life.


At 7:45 a.m. teachers came to their positions to welcome new students. Besides the participation of form teachers and form teacher assistants, all other teachers joined the whole process to guide parents and students, check body temperatures and lead the vehicles to the parking lot, making great efforts to ensure the welcoming ceremony runs smoothly.


图 初一(1)班报到处班主任与副班主任准备就绪


At half past eight in the morning  students and parents entered into the beautiful campus with their luggage. Although the temperature was a little warm, their intense eagerness for their new lifestyle could not be hindered. Joyful faces and happy smiles from students showed their love and affection for their new lives and school. 


Stepping up to the school gate, students get the help of teachers to guide them to the sign-in desk where their form teachers are waiting for them. This is the first formal meeting between students, their form teachers and their form teacher assistants. The home visits leading up to this day helped teachers get to know their students better and also helped students in adapting themselves to the new campus and new teachers in and better and quicker fashion.




Later on, with the guidance of teachers, students came to their dormitories, designed with bunk beds, each with desks under them, for each new student to have an independent space. It also helps them learn how to arrange and decorate their private living space. For the future, keeping the bed and the desk clean is an important lesson for their school life.

5.png图 各学科老师齐上阵帮助新生搬东西






In addition, our school showed great care for the students and parents such as in providing bottled drinking water. On the desk in the dorm, green trailing plants, multi-socket electrical extension cables, mosquito lamps and clothes stands had been placed appropriately for students to use. Earlier, at the class entrance, two rows of green plants had been placed in readiness and the classrooms had already been decorated. In this regard, parents expressed their heartfelt thanks for the teachers consideration.



Seeing the happy smiles of students and great appreciation from parents, teachers were filled with a sense of happiness and responsibility as mentors. In the future, our teachers will do their best to guide students to sail in the sea of Chinese literature, wander through the logic filled palaces of maths and soar in the multilingual and cultural world. They will become international talented students characterised by "advantages in foreign languages, overall development of liberal arts and science plus versatility and innovativeness".


Dear students, welcome to being members of SYFLS, to inherit the spirit of Shanghai Foreign Language School!


图 校长朱玮雪在巡视教室

撰  稿 人丨马小珺

Writers丨MA Xiaoxu

 校      审丨黄旭,闫嘉煜

Proofreaders丨HUANG Xu

翻译校对丨柯思逸 马骥

Translator & ProofreaderDominic Eckersley, MA Ji

美        编丨闫嘉煜

Art Editor丨Sherry Yan