作者:swsy 时间:2020-10-27 15:39 浏览次数:0


[Editor's Note] The Chinese Youth Pioneers is a group organisation for Chinese children. Xi Jinping emphasised that in the new era, the Young Pioneers must hold high the flag and follow the party, inherit the red gene, and cultivate a new generation of the era; in the new era, the Young Pioneers must have love in their hearts and light in their eyes in order to always prepare for the Chinese dream of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realising the greatness of the Chinese nation.


The gentle autumn breeze brings about fragrance of ripe fruits.


In this harvest season, 


SYFLS witnesses the inaugural ceremony of the 1st Young Pioneers Headquarters!

Part 1: 少年有志,勇于担当

Ambitions Youths Brave to Undertake


In response to "actively preventing epidemic and electing healthily", on the evening of October 11th, the school’s Young Pioneers Headquarters adopted the form of short videos to carry out the member election campaign. The theme of the event was "I do my duty, I promise, I serve, and I am happy!" with a total of 44 student candidates.


All classes of the school watched the campaign speeches of these 44 students simultaneously. In the video, the candidates exhibit their strengths through ingenious "self-introduction" and colourful "talent show" to let the watching students understand their personality, strengths and specialities, and provide reference for them to vote for the most suitable member of the Young Pioneers Headquarters.

After the video of the campaign speeches was played, the students, under the guidance of their teachers, voted in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and justice. And then the election went into the second round of evaluation and screening. In the end, 12 students stood out and became members of the first Young Pioneers Headquarters. Since then, the members of the first Young Pioneers Headquarters of SYFLS have been officially confirmed!


Part 2: 砥砺前行,国家有望

A Hopeful Country with Its Youths Forging Ahead


On the morning of October 26th all the students of our school held a solemn ceremony for the establishment of the Young Pioneers Headquarters in the auditorium of the Wisdom Rotunda. Ms Zhu Weixue, principal, Mr Dong Fang, vice principal, Ms Yang Yu, head of the Student Department, and Ms Liu Yawen, counsellor of Young Pioneers Headquarters, also attended the ceremony.



First, Ms Zhu Weixue announced the list of the Headquarters members who then went on the stage one after another. Wearing red scarves, they are full of energy and enthusiasm, showing the demeanor of the Young Pioneers of the school! Under the rendering of the Youth Pioneer team song, Ms Zhu Weixue, Mr Dong Fang, Ms Yang Yu, and Ms Liu Yawen pinned on the team badges for the 12 members, and the members solemnly returned a team salute.



Nong Xintang, chairman of the Headquarters from Class 3 Grade 7, made a speech on behalf of the Headquarters members. She expressed their pride in joining this glorious organisation and solemnly promised that they would be more strict with themselves in their future study and life, unite students and take the lead!



Finally, Ms Liu Yawen led all Headquarters members to solemnly swear under the team flag.




I love the Chinese Communist Party, the motherland, and the people,

And I will study hard, and exercise diligently,

Getting ready for: contributing to the cause of communism!


Loud and stately oaths echoed in the auditorium for a long time, as well as in the hearts of the young pioneers.



Hold up the torch


Keep up with the party


Forge ahead with the motherland


Grow up with the times

少先队员们将不负嘱托 砥砺前行

The Young Pioneers will live up to their entrustment and move forward


Writers丨Liu Yawen, Wang Mengling

审  校丨黄旭,闫嘉煜

Proofreaders丨Huang Xu, Yan Jiayu

摄  影丨柯兴红

Photographer丨Ke Xinghong


Translators丨Pan Ping, Dominic Eckersley

美  编丨杨帆

Art Editor丨YANG Fan